Research Interests

Cancer is the most common cause of death in Taiwan, and researchers have estimated that metastasis is responsible for about 90% of cancer-related deaths. However, therapies specifically used to target cancer metastasis are severely limited. Metastasis is a sequence of multiple steps, including invasion from the primary tumor, intravasation, transport, extravasation, and colonization at distant organs. In my lab, our major focus is to identify potential molecules that are involved in the regulation of cancer metastasis, cancer metabolism, tumor microenvironment, and precision medicine. Our goal is to conduct research related to the translational medicine and to collaborate with experts from different fields to decipher the underlying mechanisms of those molecules we identified. To achieve the goal, my lab focuses on four major directions as listed below:

Identification of Therapeutic Targets to Suppress Cancer Cell Migration & Invasion
Hydrogen Sulfide Modulation in Cell Metabolism
Identification of Key Players Involved in the Cross-talk Between Cancer Cells and Macrophages in the Tumor Microenvironment
Precision Medicine
Targeting Oncogenes by microRNA-based precision Therapy

研究興趣 (中文短版)

  癌症是國人十大死因之首,也是我們迫切急需解決的問題。過去幾年我們實驗室的研究一直致力於研究癌症轉移的訊息傳遞路徑,並試圖從中找出可以做為藥物標靶的分子。在癌症代謝的研究中,我們的研究主題是探討一種新穎轉譯後修飾在癌症發展中所扮演的角色。從2019年發表在EMBO Reports的論文中,我們從前列癌的小鼠轉移模型中分離出骨轉移的前列腺癌細胞後,使用基因體分析後發現此細胞會過度表現製造硫化氫的酵素CTH,以增加氣體訊號分子H2S的濃度及細胞的侵入能力,進而幫助前列腺癌腫瘤的生長與遠端轉移。其中的機制是由硫化氫透過Cysteine的硫化轉譯後修飾 (-SSH)去調控癌細胞內NF-κB的入核機制,因此增加了IL-1β、MMP13及VEGF的表現,進而幫助癌細胞的轉移。後續我們繼續探討相關機制並與結構生物學及生醫工程的學者合作,目前將研究拓展到瞭解H2S在癌細胞的糖代謝路徑所扮演的角色,冀望能找出癌症細胞代謝途徑上適合的藥物以治療癌症的生長與轉移。


